Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tea and toast and the UAFA hearing at 2am

Last night at 2am I made toast and a cup of tea and settled in to watch the Senate Judiciary committee hearing live down here in New Zealand. It was cold and I was sleepy but determined not to miss this historical event! Cas was not able to be "with me" sadly but I did not feel lonely because in reality I was there in that committee room with 36000 other bi-national couples! When I woke this morning it seemed that the sun was a little warmer and the light a little brighter. It seemed I stood a little taller and breathed a little easier.

Thank you Shirley and Gordon ~ and all others whose sheer humanity and goodness beamed far out across the world last night!


Unknown said...

Dear Helen,

I know that you're probably packing/have arrived in USA already, but I thought I'd just drop you a quick note to say that I'm thinking of you both.

I hope that your garden is exactly as you remember it, and I pray that you have many joyous days and nights with your beloved.

Much love from South Africa,

Helen said...

Thank you so much Julia! Here above is an image, taken yesterday, of one of those joyous nights spent here in America with my beloved.

Much love from USA!
