Friday, November 2, 2007

This Sweet Aloneness

(Written to accompany the link "My New Zealand Home")
There are times when the city of Dunedin and its surrounding landscape seems such an appropriate place to feel lonely. No matter where I am or who I walk amongst here there is always the nearness of that breathtaking landscape where slender fingers of rock clutch desperately at the receding tide. Was this place not formed in the very image of my loneliness itself!

As I walk the streets of this New Zealand city I am aware that here and there on high an aging clock face gazes down at me, reminding me that time will not wait too long for me to mourn. Its chimes break wide open my memories of time with her in New York and demand that now I must be where I am. BE WHERE I AM. Here. Now! And when the clocktowers are not mocking my futile attempts at resisting this place I abruptly find myself in, and the chimes not shattering daydreams, then perhaps it is the faintest strain of a lone piper somewhere in the distance that reminds me that this state of aloneness is not without its blessed life-giving sweetness.

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